Frequently Asked Questions

You can apply anytime during the year but most courses start in September and have some January start in some schools and courses.while in places like Cyprus and Poland their courses start in March and August.some school have October start as well. Depends on the school and Country.

We cannot guarantee visa but we can advise you on the procedures and country visa regulations and the finances requirements that can lead to positive outcome.

This will be determined by the school of which most of the school accepts installment. Schools in the UK do not accept installment.

You will get an offer within 20 working days.

You need all your original certificate, transcript, personal statement,work history, international passport, birth certificate, two personal references for postgraduate,one reference for undergraduate and sponsor details, IELTS English result for degree and foundation courses.

Yes, we charge a little administrative fees for schools we do not represent.

Yes you can work up to 20 hours in a week during term time in the UK for courses longer than 6 months but other countries may vary.

We work with the schools and private landlord to arrange suitable accommodation that will meet your needs.

No, school fees are paid directly to the school.

We will go through the refusal letter together and address the reasons and give further advice.

Yes, you will forward your refusal notice to the school and the all due process will be followed which will take between 8 to 12 weeks. A little administrative cost will be incurred while been processed.

You can bring your partner and children to the UK as your Tier 4 dependant if you are a government-sponsored student and your course is longer than six months or you are doing a postgraduate level course of 12 months or longer at a publicly-funded Higher Education Institution or a ‘recognised body’.

You cannot bring your family to the UK as a Tier 4 dependant if you are studying an English language course, a course which is below degree level or an undergraduate course (except if you are a government-sponsored student).

For other countries, you can bring your family as well as long as you can afford it.

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